I tend to avoid trying new things, even if they sound cool.
I feel like I don't have anything interesting to say.
If I fell on hard times, I'm not sure that anyone would help me out.
If someone contradicts me, I feel like they don't like me.
Most people I know seem to be living better lives than me.
I think that if I act like your true self, people will dislike me.
I worry that I am being talked about behind my back.
It's hard for me to accept myself the way I am.
I fear rejection from those I care about.
I feel like I often let people down.
I am easily embarrassed.
It's difficult for me to disagree with my friends, even when I strongly feel that I am right.
I'm not sure if I deserve to be loved.
I rarely feel like I did a good job with a task.
I am very indecisive.
In general, I lack energy, even if I've slept well the night before.
I worry about the way I look.
It's fairly hard for me to make friends.
I sometimes feel that if I went away, no one would notice.
I feel uncomfortable when I am in a position of leadership or authority.
How is Your Self Esteem?
You Have Low Self Esteem 88% of the Time
You're definitely in a low place right now, but you also know deep down that you can get out of your funk.Take a chance and make a new friend or try a new interest. Shaking things up will give you the self-esteem boost you need!
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