Who do u think right now?
my hubby.. of course!
Fact bout the person u like?
-his kindness
-the way he loves & adores me ...s what i m!
Do u miss anybody?
Yup! ....ABANG!
Did u ever wasted too much time on a certain guy?
What is/are thing/s u never leave without?
-my wallet
-my cellphones
What r u stressing about right now?
-my housemate!!
-scared 2 b alone
What is annoying u?
-some facts bout the housemate
-ppl who didn't appreciate me but they want me 2 appreciate 'em..SUCKs!!
How was last nite?
-alone... scared...exhausted...full of tense! How are u feeling right now?
-scared...exhausted...sleepy...but the best part is i'm excited 2 meet my hubby!
Last person u had a serious conversation & bout what?
-my hubby
-secret! heheheheheh!!
Excited 'bout anything?
Do u believe in celebrating anniversary?
Are u someone who worries too often?
Who is the last person u drove with?
Apex Takujiro from Maximus
Have u ever dyed ur hair?
Yup! ( i'm not sure what was the original colour of my hair!! oopppss!)
Do u think ur ex still loves u?
Nope! We got our own life.. let bygone b bygone, babe!
Have u ever been in a long-distant relationship?
Are u talkative?
Yup! (i think... 2 some ppl i close 2)
Ur favourite movie/s?
-The Nanny ( i don't think it's a movie!)
-The Love Guru
Do u believe ur ex thinks 'bout u?
Have u ever dated someone younger than u?
Do u listen to love songs when u'r down?
5 persons u think right now....
-adik yanie